Photo by Christopher Kim
You are invited to a bunny hop competition for the kiddies at KVIBE! The competition will mainly be for the kids ages 8-16, but if there's enough of a turnout we might do a second class for advanced riders. There will be pizza. And kids. Winner will be determined by who can clear the highest obstacle. Winner will also get something cool.
KVIBE will not be open "as usual" for this Saturday event, but the schedule will go something like this:
10:00 - 11:45 a, Tune-ups and practice
11:45 - 12:00 p, Ground rules, briefing, etc
12:00 p noon, WE RIDE!
3:00 p - whenever, Awards Ceremony and Pizza!
The parking lot will be closed off to insure the safety of the participants. If we have a good turnout we might make this a recurring event. Thanks also to Chris Blumenstetter and Mel Nakahata of the Bike Shop Hawaii for donating prizes, Ryan Buob for the pizza donations, and Mike Orbito for the video!!! Chee! We're excited to see who takes it! Bring your B (Bunny hop) game!
Also, this will be my last day as Program Coordinator of KVIBE. It has been a tremendous honor to serve alongside the best Kalihi Valley has to offer. Kalihi is a town that generally gets a bad rap but I've always felt it was like home to me. The kids are bright, enthusiastic, and down to earth. This has been the more spiritually and emotionally rewarding job I have ever worked.
To the youth of Kalihi I ask this of you:
Be confident, be outstanding, be humble, and always be a mentor to your friends and your peers. The only way to end racial and economic division in Kalihi is to look out for each other.
I am so proud of all of you.
Mr. Matt
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