Above, Jimmy Cholynay, 13, works on his science teacher's bicycle. Photo by Jamm Aquino (jaquino@staradvertiser.com). Article by Rosemary Bernardo (rbernardo@staradvertiser.com).
A program that teaches Kalihi youth how to fix bicycles — and recently won an $84,000 state grant — is in danger of being closed down.
The Kalihi Valley Instructional Bike Exchange Program, or KVIBE, is asking the city for a zoning variance so it can stay at its shop at 1638 Kamehameha IV Road.
The site, a former egg-processing plant in an area once zoned for commercial use, now has residential zoning. A neighbor's complaint about noise brought the program to the attention of city regulators.
If forced to leave the site, the program would likely be closed, program manager Matt Yee said. Read more here.
awwww dont close down the shop that would be sad for the kalihi kids know what i mean
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